What Are Invisalign Attachments? Will I Need Them For My Treatment?

If you’re exploring the benefits of Invisalign and thinking about getting this orthodontic treatment at Nashoba Valley Dental, you may have heard about “Invisalign attachments.” What are they, how do they work, and why would you need them? Find out now! 

If you’re exploring the benefits of Invisalign and thinking about getting this orthodontic treatment at Nashoba Valley Dental, you may have heard about “Invisalign attachments.” What are they, how do they work, and why would you need them? Find out now! 

What Are Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments are also sometimes called “buttons,” but they can be circular, triangular, or rectangular, depending on the type of attachment and its purpose. They are small bumps made of tooth-colored dental composite material, which is placed directly onto the surface of your tooth, then hardened with a UV light. 

They’re very small, and are usually placed around the middle of the tooth. They serve as “anchors” to help your Invisalign aligners get a better grip on your teeth and rotate them. This is because while Invisalign is strong, your aligner alone may not be enough to move some peskier teeth that are firmly anchored or very misaligned.

Once your Invisalign treatment has concluded, these little bumps are removed by simply buffing them off of the surface of your tooth. When that’s done, your tooth will look and feel completely natural once again. 

When Are Invisalign Attachments Required?

Invisalign attachments are required if you have complicated tooth alignment problems, or a tooth that’s particularly stubborn and is not moving properly according to your Invisalign treatment plan. 

If you’re wondering whether or not you may need attachments during treatment, the best way to find out is with an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Matthew Annese at Nashoba Valley Dental. He can discuss your treatment in more detail, and determine whether or not Invisalign is a good option for you. 

Will Other People Be Able To See My Attachments? 

This depends mostly on the location of your attachments. Attachments on your front teeth, for example, will be more obvious and prominent than those on your rear teeth, and larger attachments will be more visible.

However, your attachments will be made of a natural-looking, tooth-colored material to minimize their visibility. Even if you have attachments on your front teeth, it will be hard to see them at first glance, so your appearance will not be negatively affected.

Do I Need To Do Anything Special If I Get Invisalign Attachments? 

You may have a bit more difficulty fitting your aligners over your teeth, since you’ll need to be more precise to “lock them in” over the top of your attachments. This may take a little bit of getting used to.

The bumps may also feel a bit strange when they contact your oral tissue like your lips, but you’ll get used to this after a little while. 

Also, you will need to take more care when cleaning your teeth. Invisalign attachments tend to collect food debris, so it’s important to thoroughly brush around them to minimize the buildup of bacteria, plaque, and acid that can lead to tooth decay and staining.

See If Invisalign Is Right For You – Contact Nashoba Valley Dental Today!

Dr. Annese is an experienced Invisalign dentist serving patients in Lunenburg, Shirley, Pepperhill, Leominster, Harvard, Groton, and the surrounding areas. If you’re interested in the benefits of Invisalign and would like to learn more about straightening your teeth, contact Nashoba Valley online or give us a call at (978) 425-9088 to schedule an appointment today.

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